Is Turmeric Just As Good As Exercise?

Is Turmeric Just As Good As Exercise?


Could turmeric really be just as good as exercise?  Well, a Japanese study did show some interesting results.  Vascular endothelial function declines with aging and is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, but exercise has a favorable effect on this function.  The researchers of this study set out to determine if turmeric did as well.

Here’s how they went about it, a total of 32 postmenopausal women were split into 3 groups; a control group that did nothing different, no exercise or turmeric, a group that moderately exercised, and one that took curcumin, which is a major component of turmeric, for 8 weeks.  The groups were measured before and after they exercised and ingested the curcumin and the results showed that both groups had significant flow dilation whereas the group that did nothing had no improvement at all.

So, in conclusion, while it is agreed to do both could improve age-related decline the most, for those who are unable to exercise, this supplement may be something to include in their daily regimen.

Here’s a video from Dr. Michael Greger discussing the study further:

