From Free Hot Dogs To Cute Dogs, It’s National Hot Dog Day!
That’s right, It’s National Hot Dog Day! Did you remember to send out your cards? Have you hung out your Hot Dog garland? I know I always stress out the weeks before Hot Dog day, but this year I started early. Anywho, here’s the low-down on where you can get some freebies and a few fun pics of some Hot Dogs, whether they be food for thought or cutie patooties.
Pilot Flying J is offering a free hot dog if you go to their Facebook page and print their coupon.
Sonic Drive-In is offering All-American Chili Cheese Dogs for $1 all day. Not exactly free, but more than just a bare bones dog.
Kangaroo Express is offering Ball Park Hot Dogs at 50cents a piece or free with a military ID between 4pm to 8pm, while supplies last. Not all locations are participating.
RaceTrac provided a free coupon good until the end of July.
Hop Dog is sampling free wieners between 3pm and 7pm, here’s their Facebook page for more info
Now, as promised, here’s the food porn and puppy pictures:
This imgur poster knows how to eat his dog. Beer battered Kobe Dog covered in bacon bits and bleu cheese dressing! Man, can I take a bite out of that.

Here’s another dog worth considering. It’s a Hebrew National hot dog fried, wrapped with turkey, then fried again, then topped with swiss and kraut. Finally, I like the touch of adding Thousand Island dressing, might have to try that at home.
I’m really intrigued by this dog. I think the combination of sweet and savory make it a winner.

But what if you’re not hungry, well here’s some cute dogs for you. This Imgur user decided to dress up her dogs as Groot and Rocket Raccoon.

Oh, my god, this is just too cute for words.

I don’t know, but there’s gotta be some kind of fair wage laws providing for extra bones and treats if you work past 5 pm.
Um, well, we may have gone one image too far. I’ll wrap it up here. Go to bed Imgur, you’re up too late.