The Spider Robots From Minority Report Are Here

The Spider Robots From Minority Report Are Here The spider robots from Minority Report are no longer science fiction, instead the prototype has already been…

Is Star Wars Coming To Netflix?

Is Star Wars Coming To Netflix? The folks over at Cinelinx seems to think so.  Apparently, they heard rumors back in March of a live-action…

White God Film About Mixed Breed Tax Based On Real Legislation

White God Film About Mixed Breed Tax Based On Real Legislation In an interview with the White God director at, Kornel Mundruczo explains that…

10 Sleepy Animals That Are Too Adorable

10 Sleepy Animals That Are Too Adorable These cute sleepy animals will have you saying “ahhhh” and then “zzzzzz” because it’s contagious.  Who can look…

The Haunting of Barnsley Antiques

The Haunting of Barnsley Antiques The Haunting of Barnsley Antiques started from the moment they moved in.  They’ve had a cabinet door smashing all on its…

Are Armed Drones Legal?

Are Armed Drones Legal? If you haven’t seen it yet, a college student has managed to outfit a drone with a gun and can remotely…

10 Really Cool Back To School Gifts For All Ages

10 Really Cool Back To School Gifts For All Ages Yep, it’s already getting to that time again.  We’ve all started seeing the commercials for…

Detroit Is Literally Going To Hell, Yes, I Mean Literally

Detroit Is Literally Going To Hell, Yes, I Mean Literally Detroit has had it’s problems, but now it’s going to hell.  Or maybe I should…

Vampires Do Exist And You May Know One

Vampires Do Exist And You May Know One So it turns out Vampires do exist and they are hiding in plain sight.  They may even…

Ready For Our Robot Overlords? Here Come The Taxis

Ready For Our Robot Overlords? Here Come The Taxis. I, for one, welcome our new Robot Overlords.  Are you kidding, Robots, I want one so…