The Spider Robots From Minority Report Are Here

The Spider Robots From Minority Report Are Here The spider robots from Minority Report are no longer science fiction, instead the prototype has already been…

Are Armed Drones Legal?

Are Armed Drones Legal? If you haven’t seen it yet, a college student has managed to outfit a drone with a gun and can remotely…

Ready For Our Robot Overlords? Here Come The Taxis

Ready For Our Robot Overlords? Here Come The Taxis. I, for one, welcome our new Robot Overlords.  Are you kidding, Robots, I want one so…

Device Helps Blind See With Their Tongue

Device Helps Blind See With Their Tongue Wicab, the Middleton, Wisconsin company  had developed a device that helps blind see with their tongue.  The technology…

Supersonic Jet Could Fly New York to London In 3 Hours

Supersonic Jet Could Fly New York to London In 3 Hours Spike Aerospace’s S-512 Supersonic Jet claims it can reach a maximum speed of Mach…

Bionic Eye Test Shows Promising Results

Bionic Eye Test Shows Promising Results Trials have been conducted on 30 subjects in 10 centers across the United States on the first ever Bionic…

Life-Like Robots Are Here

Life-Like Robots Are Here Life-Like Robots are already here and will be working at museums in Tokyo.  Toshiba has developed a life-like robot that can…