17 Pictures Of Cute Animals Just Trying To Figure Stuff Out
Everyone loves pictures of cute animals, but you love them even more when they are interacting with the clutter of the human world and having an adorably awkward time. We’ve collected a bunch for you today that will have you laughing and saying d’awww all day long. So sit back and enjoy.

Surprisingly, this looks comfortable to me.

I immediately regret my decision

Oh Janet, I just don’t care anymore. Let the cat have my dog bed.

I guess I should confess, I’m a cross dressing kitty cat. There, it’s out.
My human sat on me hours ago and just now got up. I can’t move!

My god hooman, I think you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

It’s not clear how I got here, but I don’t appreciate the laughter.

And I was just sitting here being me.
What is this, a house for ants?

Wait… this isn’t… this isn’t goood at allllll!
Next time look before you rearrange the furniture!

That other cat was way too forward!
Can we watch Lassie next?

Did that dog just laugh tothe camera?

You always get the camera. Why can’t you just help me out of these things before you get camera. I know where you keep your shoes and I’ve been eating a lot of fiber, Janet.

Well, that’s it folks. I know, just when you were settling in and loving each one, they come to an end. We’ll find more soon. Until then…