3D Homes Built Within 24 Hours Will Be Available In 1 – 2 years

3D homes built within 24 hours will be introduced by Contour Crafting to entry-level construction in 1 to 2 years. This includes basic utilities already embedded such as electrical, plumbing, and air conditioning, with no manual assembly. It takes approximately 19 hours to print a 2,500 square foot home which is a drastic change from the 6-9 months of the normal process. The Contour Crafting process follows four steps:
- Flatten the required space
- Use the excavator crane to create a foundation
- Position the Contour Crafter crane so that it moves along the X, Y (height), and Z (crossbeams) axis.
- Extreme fast drying concrete pours from the pipe system
The system requires only 4 people to run the process and there are different machines for different structures. Contour Crafting can construct commercial buildings and skyscrapers in addition to the residential buildings already discussed. While they hope to be in the market within 2 years, they believe their immediate value is providing emergency reconstruction during disaster relief situations.
If you’d like to read more on Contour Crafting and Dr. Behrokh, head on over to zbrella.com