10 Matchstick Creations That Will Blow Your Mind

10 Matchstick Creations That Will Blow Your Mind

Have you every worked on a project that took a really long time?  Well, imagine how long it took Iowa artist Patrick Acton to put together the matchstick creations below.  He’s only been doing this for the past 36 years and he’s gone through over 4 million ordinary wooden matchsticks to create 65 incredibly detailed scale models.  To say he’s talented is an understatement, and he’s pretty well known as his artwork has been featured on national TV shows and magazines.

Acton has always enjoyed working with wood even as a child.  He once saw a television story about a man who made a model of his farmstead out of matches and years later he decided to try the hobby out for himself.  Since then he’s developed more skilled techniques for curves and large sheets.  By 1994, Ripleys Believe It Or Not began purchasing models from him for their museums.  Now he just works full time as a matchstick artist.  Check out the pictures below and see what you think, could you have the patience to build something like these with tiny little matchsticks?


Steampunk “Plane Loco”

source: matchstickmarvels.com

International Space Station

Source: matchstickmarvels.com


Notre Dame

source: matchstickmarvels.com


Minas Tirith

source: matchstickmarvels.com



New World Trade Center

source: matchstickmarvels.com


Harry Potter’s Hogwarts

Source: matchstickmarvels.com


United States Capitol

source: matchstickmarvels.com


Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride

Source: matchstickmarvels.com


Christoper Colombus Santa Maria

source: matchstickmarvels.com


USS Forrestal Aircraft Carrier

source: matchstickmarvels.com


Space Shuttle Challenger

source: matchstickmarvels.com


If you want to see more, you can actually go to the museum in Iowa, but if you can’t make it there, head on over to the website.

