Ready For Our Robot Overlords? Here Come The Taxis

Ready For Our Robot Overlords? Here Come The Taxis.

I, for one, welcome our new Robot Overlords.  Are you kidding, Robots, I want one so bad!  I’m embarrassed to admit how many gadgets I own, but even though I look forward to every new advancement that comes around the block I know we have some difficult roads ahead.

Business models change all the time, and Uber has already had a major impact on the Taxi service, but for now cabs still have the biggest share of the business.  However, Uber now wants to transition to autonomous cars and has announced a partnership with Carnegie Mellon University to study the technology.  In fact, Uber’s CEO has told Tesla that they will buy five hundred thousand automated electric cars by 2020, if the technology exists.

This could be great for the environment and as the video below explains it could be much better for traffic in reducing commute time and number of cars on the road as driving becomes much more efficient.  However, I can’t help but wonder what this will do to all of the jobs it’s going to replace.  In each shifting technological age, we’ve added jobs even after shedding them, however this time may be different.  Will we be able to keep up with how many people we put out of a job in the years to come?  What do you think?


